If spread in the society of good morals of honesty, truthfulness, justice and advise the security of people and preserved the rights and strengthen the bonds of love between members of the community and I said vice and increased virtue and grew in power of Islam, and if you spread the bad manners of lying and betrayal, injustice and fraud mess up the community and disturbed security and lost rights and spread estrangement
between community members and weakened Sharia in the hearts of her family and overturned the scales Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: (come on people deceptive years; the incredible liar, and lying to the sincere, and entrusted the splitter, and betray the Secretary and pronounced Alroidp, it was: it Alroidp O Messenger of Allah ?! he said the man Bugger speak in public order) Narrated by Ahmad.
Anyone who studies the conditions of the Nation of Islam Elhza severe weakness in the moral side and show this moral crisis Vicl fields
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